What you'll learn

  • Learn to critically examine media texts

  • Practice mindful engagement of media circulation and creation

  • Assess content suitability for students from a variety of backgrounds and varying audiences with differing developmental needs

  • Analyze media examples to facilitate informal and formal learning

  • Examine the relationship between digital technology and civic engagement

Course description

How can we best leverage media and new technology to enhance social, civic, and academic learning in our students?

Screen-Time Savvy is a four-week online workshop that will help you incorporate social, emotional, and academic development into your learners’ digital learning experiences.  Participants will receive research-based guidance and gain perspectives on screen-time use, evaluating content suitability, and media literacy standards – including implications for teaching and learning.

Combining research, theories, and practical experience, the program explores online media through active discussions, readings, reflections, podcasts, webinars, movie clips, and more. This program also enables you to design and develop an online learning experience – unit, virtual lesson, conversation guide – that fits with your learning environment.


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Explore and understand your own theories of learning and leadership. Gain the tools to imagine and build the future of learning.

10 weeks long
Registration Deadline
Available now